Archive for March, 2009


Post-Journey Recap

Alright, yep, my site is still not redirecting properly, but I myself am still alive and kicking. Had a little rough patch back in the Altiplano during which a few different factors collided all at one time – namely my budget crash, serious mechanical issues with my bike, some intense pangs of solitude, the intolerance of endlessly cold and gray days, and, to be honest with you, a lack of enthusiasm for the somber terrain through which I was riding. Actually, there were many other factors which played into this as well, but nevertheless I had to take action.

So, after Mom left Cuzco, Peru I decided to get on out of the Andean Altiplano and fast-forwarded my way to la Paz, Bolivia for some sight-seeing, then to the salt desert of Uyuni, before finally jumping on a train and heading to the Argentine border. Shortly after the border the scenery once again turned to a lovely, habitable green with dynamic red mountains and I once again felt the exhilaration and awe of cycling through the breathtaking natural beauty.

From Tilcara, Northern Argentina, I began pedaling my way Southward once again. I continued onward until reaching Cafayate, where I soon discovered that a friend of mine would soon be leaving Buenos Aires to move to Europe and decided to once again fast forward the trip down towards the city.

From Cafayate I headed to Tucuman for a couple days and then down to Cordoba to visit with some friends of mine there as well. Then finally it was off to Buenos Aires and the city life.

Well, here I am now, and I must say that city life has most certainly been agreeing with me. I’d taken the past week off from working on much of anything besides seeking clients and instead had decided to spend as much time as I could catching up with friends here – especially before some of them left for other parts of the world. However, now its time to start planning and figuring out the next steps once again, so am getting back into brainstorming mode.

Will get some more thorough accounts of the details of the past two months up in the next few days and keep you all posted as to what other news comes up. At the moment I’m in Buenos Aires working out some dental issues until further notice, and since soon it will be Semana Santa (Easter Week) here in Buenos Aires, that may be postponed until a bit later (when everyone comes back to work).

For now enjoy the photos, which I’ve been trying to upload periodically, and I will try to get things moving soon!

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March 2009